Saturday, February 1, 2014

Cajons and Jam Session

  Today was a music-filled day. To start the morning off, I had a cajon lesson with Steve Bowman from the Counting Crows, who was a very talented, friendly, and down to earth fellow. He really sang the praises of his instrument and despite the fact that the cajon (or even drums) isn't something I've ever aspired to learn, by the time we got started I was feeling pumped up to get my hands on one. And as seems to always be the case with a new instrument, once I sat down and learned to play a little bit of music on it, the hooks were in me and I wanted to learn more. I don't anticipate cajon is something I'll pursue as intensely as piano or guitar, but I do think I'll attend a few more sessions. Swollen, throbbing hands aside, I found playing to be a very satisfying experience and this would be a good way for me to finely hone my rhythm.

  Here's a low quality video of part of our session, filmed on Steve's camera potato. My favorite part is toward the end where it sounds like a horse galloped into the studio.

  After that, I hung around the studio for a bit talking to a few talented ladies who up until recently toured with Mustang Sally, and then I had my first ever piano-violin jam session with one of them. I don't know if it was nerves or the giant window through which the sun beat down upon me, but I was sweating a bit when I settled in to play with complete strangers. Thankfully I soon forgot my trepidation as my mind was forced to focus on keeping up with the songs. I loved the sound coming out of the room with our combination of instruments, even with all of my mistakes. We played a few old-timey songs, ending on a waltz that is absolutely beautiful on strings...and all the better accompanied by piano, in my opinon. As seen below:

  I need more days filled like this. Learning new things and collaborating on creative endeavors tickles me in all the right places.